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Additional GraphQL services

Cloudlet's GraphQL API allows you to acquire and release locks on objects and retrieve historical records for classes for which versioning is enabled.

Reference engine model #

All examples on this page reference the engine model in figure:


The Employee class, center, as modeled in the Tutorial.

The Employee class has system versioning enabled.

lock and unlock services. #

In order to support concurrent change scenarios, the GraphQL schema offers two services that allow you to acquire or release locks on the database concerning one or more objects: Mutation.lock and Mutation.unlock.

type Mutation {
  lock(locks: [EntityID!], minutes: Int = 10): LockStatusResult
  unlock(locks: [EntityID!]): LockStatusResult

Unlike other services, these are model-independent in that they are not bound to a specific class. Both require a list of input type of type EntityID as input, and return the LockStatusResult structure as output. Let’s examine them in order:

input EntityID {
  entityName: EntityName!
  _id: ID!

The input EntityID represents a database object identified by its ID and class name, given in the entityName field. This is of type EntityName, an enum containing a value for each class present in the GraphQL schema. For example, for reference model, EntityName contains the following values:

enum EntityName {

Every EntityID is is moreover meant to univocally identify a resource to lock or release the lock on. Let’s examine the output LockStatusResult:

type LockStatusResult {
  locked: Boolean!
  minutes: Int!

This structure indicates whether the requested entity is locked (locked=true) or unlocked (locked=false) and for how many minutes it is locked (minutes). By default, the lock service requires a 10-minute lock on the chosen entity, but you can increase (or decrease) this duration by properly setting the optional minutes argument.

Retrieve historical versions of an object #

Background: what is versioning?

Starting with Livebase version 5.8.3, for classes for which versioning (or system versioning) is enabled, the <ClassName> structure is extended with the following fields:

type ClassName {
_id: ID
_clientId: ID
_versionStart: Datetime(format: String = "default")
_versionEnd: Datetime(format: String = "default")

# attributes, outgoing roles, associates...
# ...

_versionStart is a timestamp indicating the start of that version’s validity interval (analogous to row_start), while _versionEnd indicates the end of that version’s validity interval (analogous to row_end). You can request _versionStart and _versionEnd in any service that returns the <ClassName> structure (representing the most recent object version).

Beyond this change, the schema generates the following additional read services for versioned classes:

getVersion service. #

The Query.<ClassName>___getVersion service allows obtaining a versioned version of an object graph from an object of a certain class.

type Query {
  ClassName___getVersion(_id: ID!, atVersion: Datetime!): ClassName

The service requests the ID of the object to be retrieved and the version’s timestamp as input, and it returns the corresponding structure <ClassName> as output. The version of <ClassName> returned is the one whose range (row_start, row_end) includes the timestamp atVersion passed as a parameter.

For example, the service to retrieve the historical version of an Employee object is as follows:

type Query {
  Employee___getVersion(_id: ID!, atVersion: Datetime!): Employee

getVersionPage service. #

The Query.<ClassName>___getVersionPage service allows you to get a list of historical versions of a graph of objects from an object of a certain class.

type Query {
  ClassName___getVersionPage(_id: ID!, ClassNamePageOptions options): ClassNamePage

The service requests as input the ID of the object to be retrieved and returns as output the structure <ClassName>Page, which contains a list of the historical versions
of the object. You can control the subset of objects returned by the page by properly setting the optional options argument, of type <ClassName>PageOptions.

The result can be filtered and/or sorted using all of the pre-existing <ClassName>PageOptions, which is added the ability to sort by the _versionStart and _versionEnd fields.

input ClassNamePageOptions {
orderBy: [ClassNameSort!] = [_id___ASC]
# ...

enum ClassNameSort {
# ...

For example, the service to retrieve the list of historical versions of an Employee object is as follows:

type Query {
  Employee___getVersionPage(_id: ID!, options: EmployeePageOptions): EmployeePage